Monday, November 28, 2005

An Average Iraqi- Hassan's Blog

Hi, as promised I am reviewing Hassan's blog "An Average Iraqi".

The blog can be found at and was started in February this year. Hassan is cousin to Najma , HNK and Sunshine . If you don't know any of these three bloggers, then you need to read more Iraqi' blogs because these three are part of the biggest Iraqi "blog family" in the Blogosphere.

Hassan lives in Baghdad and has been writing about the traditions in Iraq and how things change under war since February (2005), but so far the best post on Hassan's blog was the post "From Salam to Sanyora" which is a chronological biography of the ever-expanding Iraqi Blogosphere (written in english).

The post begins obviously with Salam Pax, and goes through every known Iraqi blog created since then, giving the date of creation, and when the last post was and if the author seems to be still active. It also includes a lot of extra details about how relationships between blogs and members of the blogging community developed and thus dragged more bloggers in... It's a great post and you really should check it out.

This individual post would get a 10/10, and since Hassan is a good friend of mine and has added a link to my own blog (Olive Branch Optimism) he gets a 9.5 for blog over-all, missing out on the .5 only for lack of extra functionality like search, dictionary or discussion forum...

Congratulations Hassan, although your English and writing are still a little rusty, your participation in the blogosphere and your reliability and dedication to your blog has earned you the highest rating yet on the Bloggers Blog of Blogs!!!

Higher than Riverbends!

Keep up the good work Hassan, and post more about the up coming elections :)

-Don't forget to go check itg out, it is well worth your time for anyone with any interest in Iraq.

[olivebranch out]

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Don't Bomb Us! Al-Jazeera employee's search for support in their struggle for the truth.


I know I had planned to review a couple of other sites, but this is the blogosphere at its best yet again. A newspaper/media company (Al-Jazeera) has been oppressed for its views and ethnic leanings- and it's employee's have turned to the blogosphere to protect its freedoms and fight for the truth to be revealed.

The blog started after a recent article in the Daily Mirror which referred to a memo in which Tony Blair had reportedly "talked Bush out of bombing Al-Jazeera headquarters in Doha (Qatar)"

This is a concerning prospect for the workers at Al-Jazeera, and not just for fear of their lives, but because it shows Bush's contempt for and desire to close the Al-Jazeera media network.

The blog is only small, and is written by 3 employee's from Al-Jazeera, but has quickly become a centre of attention in the Blogosphere. There is debate and argument/abuse being flung around the comments section, some of which is of top quality knowledge, some of which is mindless name calling.

Either way this blog in the short time it has been operational has become a major factor in what may be another "leak in the boat" for George Bush's presidency.

This blog gets 9/10 because it is way to young for a 10/10. Well done, and know that I am support both your blog and its intentions!

[olivebranch out]

"Don't Bomb Us" blog address:

while your there, leave some comments- your opinion and send them some email.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Next POST - [sick of waiting]

I have been waiting for MIKE to post his review of Salam Pax's dear_raed, the blog that made him famous, and of his new blog Shut Up You Fat Whiner! (justzippit)

But he is taking to long and I do not want this blog to go idle! So I will be posting 2 reviews in the coming week- one of Iraq The Model, and one of Hassan's blog "An Average Iraqi".

they are both top-quality and very different blogs, I will enjoy reviewing them! :)